How to setup user comments.


I can only do the very basics of web design. What I would like to setup is so people viewing my page can leave a comment about comments I have made on my page.<br />
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For example:<br />
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Page one: I have a comment "what did you do for the weekend:."<br />
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Under this there is options "View Comments" and "Add comments"<br />
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When view is clicked it will go to another page showing the question and the comments. And also previous questions and comments in date order.<br />
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Add comments will take them to some kinda form.<br />
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My question is how would I go about learning to create this? what would I use? I have a idea I need to use PHP but I have no clue what that is and I have limited experience with forms. Does anyone have an example of something similar I can view?<br />
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Thanks for your time<br />
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Jess<!--content-->yes something like php is what you need. php is easy to learn. the form is basically html but wehen you post the form that is when php takes over. you have to decide where you want to put this info, either a text file or a database. prefferable a database. what you want will take some time if you are a newbie but for a experienced programmer it will take about 10 minutes. I will be glad to help but I will not write it for you.<br />
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also make sure you host supports php and has mysql<!--content-->have a look at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->Thanks for the help. That link posted is pretty close to what I am trying to do but probably much simpler.<br />
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I would prefer to figure it out for myself now that I have been pointed in the right direction, as I will learn alot more that way.<br />
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I will come back if I run into any problems<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->what you are looking for i believe is a shoutbox.<br />
do a search on you'll find a bunch of results.<!--content-->