How to setup rss feed???


New Member
I have looked and not much info is around about how to setup rss feed in VB. I have 3.6.8 and I would like to setup rss feed to send out feeds of all new posts and threads in my desired forums....... I am completly new to the whole rss feed concept and do not know how to implement it into the forums.

Can I just send feeds or can I also bring in feeds from other sites and have them post new posts in my desired theads also?? Please I know this may seem noobish but I seriously am lost when it comes to the rss feed idea.
To Turn On Outbound RSS Feed: Admincp --> vBulletin Options --> External Data Provider --> Enable RSS Syndication --> YES

To Setup Inbound RSS Feeds: Admincp --> RSS Feeds --> Add New RSS Feed:

Here's an example of setting up an Inbound RSS Movie Feed (Change As Appropriate):

Title: Movie Feed
Check Every: 8 Hours
Maximum Items To Fetch: 100
Enter User Name: Enter Your vBulletin user name
Forum: Select the Forum you want the feeds to go into
Title Template: {feed:title}
Body Template: {feed:description} or {feed:content:encoded} if preview tells you

Hit Preview Feed to Test then Save
THANK YOU so very much this does explain a whole lot for me! This will help alot of other people also in my opinion. Again thank you so very much for your reply!
How can i set it to check for update in feeds more than every 10 minutes
And how can i remove the rss feed logo from the url bar of my site.