How to set up HTML so it is Printable


I need to make a list of jobs all on ONE long HTML page printable. Netscape does not have margin setups.<br />
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1) Is there a way of automaticaly setting up margins<br />
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2) What about the bottom of the page cuts off in mid centance<br />
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3) Any good web resources on the topic and if not why not!<!--content-->Do you mean other than just formatting it in several formats (Word, Adobe, etc.) and linking to them from the HTML doc?<!--content-->Yes because there are over 2000 jobs by 16 school LEA's to proccess dynamically every hour, every day.<!--content-->I'm not completely sure that I have understood what it is you wish to achieve but I'll attempt to answer.<br />
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You can do some formatting purely through the use of stylesheets, this will include setting margins, background colour, font colour, etc. This is particularly neat in the sense that you can have one stylesheet which defines the styles for the web and another for the styles which are used during printing. You do this by the following:<br />
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="normal.css"><br />
<link rel="alternate" media="print" href="printable.css"><br />
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This at least allows you set the page so that it's formatting is printer-friendly. You also implied you would like the page to split the content nicely. This, I am afraid, will require the assistance of either server-side scripting or maybe even javascript(?).<!--content-->Actually you can force the page-break where you want it with just a style class:<br />
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.pageBreak {page-break-after:always}<br />
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then where you need the page breaks just put in:<br />
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<div class="pageBreak">&nbsp; </div><br />
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Of course it will only work in IE, but then media Print is also not supported by NS4.x anyway.<!--content-->So this would really break up the list into pages automatically from two lines of code by simply enclosing the whole list into <div class="pageBreak"> list... </div>I dont thinks so but your close and the code will help me.<br />
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I want it to detect where to put the break in its self!<br />
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Johan<br />
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