How to set the path to compile my CSS with Compass SASS


New Member
I have been looking around and it seems an issue quite diffused, but i am not finding the solution for my case.I have set up my first Compass Project following these instructions My folder project is called sass-testI have my css files
  • screen.css
  • print.css
  • ie.css
  • config.rb
My config.rb inside is set up in this way\[code\]http_path = "/"css_dir = "stylesheet"sass_dir = "sass"images_dir = "images"javascripts_dir = "javascripts"\[/code\]Then I have my sass folder with:
  • screen.scss
  • print.scss
  • ie.scss
I do some changes in my screen.scss file and then i compile it by the terminal giving this command\[code\]compass compile sass-test/sass/screen.scss\[/code\]Now it happens that the automatically COMPASS generates new folders
  • stylesheet
  • test
  • sass.In this folder Compass compiles \[code\]screen.css\[/code\]
I dont want my screen.css compiled there but i want it inside my sass-test where there is already existing the screen.css file.How can i achieve that? I also look up in this article reading all the comments but i can not figure it out the issue.I have also tried to compile it by liveReload preprocessor setting up the Outputfolder but it's still compiling the screen.css in the "wrong" can i give the instructions to Compass to compile my screen.css file in my sass-test?Here the print screen