New Member
I'm working on a slightly low-level ASP.Net project. One of the things I need to support is properly handling HEAD requests. For the uninitiated, a HEAD request is basically just HTTP headers with no content. Part of this includes a correct content-length. (Even though ASP.Net thinks that the content-length is 0)I use this code for setting it:\[code\]HttpRequest r; .... if(r.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("Content-Length")){ r.Headers["Content-Length"]=length.ToString();}else{ r.AddHeader("Content-Length",length.ToString());}\[/code\]This runs fine on mod_mono+Apache and on Mono's implementation of \[code\]xsp\[/code\], however, on Microsoft's Cassini dev server, this produces a PlatformNotSupportedException with the text \[code\]This operation requires IIS integrated pipeline mode.\[/code\]Are there any known workarounds for this issue?