How to send an empty tag in a webservice [closed]


New Member
\[quote\] Possible Duplicate:
web service request call SOAP request missing empty parameters \[/quote\]I'm trying to call a webservice hosted by a third party. The XSD they've provided me with defines an element:\[code\]<xsd:element name="ElementName" type="String"/>\[/code\]They have given me instructions that this element must not be populated but it must be included as an empty tag in the XML request\[code\]<ElementName />\[/code\]I used wscf to generate an object from the schema and ElementName came out like this:\[code\]/// <remarks/> [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(ElementName="ElementName")] public string ElementName;\[/code\]My problem is that when I generate XML request the tag is excluded in the generated XML rather than being an empty tag.Is there perhaps some attribute I can add to the element to ensure that it gets sent through empty? How can I ensure it's included?Thanks