How to seamlessly position a hidden youtube video on click


New Member
Two examples: It's similar to the modal dialog / light box phenomenon. In that...
  • The background darkens or blurs (but in a more localized fashion than a typical lightbox)
  • The opening of the video/modal is triggered by clicking a link
  • You can close the video, which, a) stops play, b) hides the video, c) brings back the content that the video replaced
However, it provides a more seamless experience. In that...
  • The video gets positioned within a specific element on the page (instead of in relation to the some page wrapper or viewport)
  • The video often replaces/hides content instead of just sitting on top of it
Here's the catch though... both of these examples use proprietary video players. That's a deal breaker in this situation. I need it to use youtube's iframe embed code (their new stuff).