how to save entire recordset that was checked on checkboxes


New Member
I have a form for tracking work progress of each staff. Since one staff can do many tasks at a day. Therefore to save working time, I created checkboxes for task so that i can select and save as multi-records at a time. My code is as below\[code\]<td colspan="2"> <% if rsPdtn_sizeColor.eof then call displayNotFoundRecord Else Do Until rsPdtn_sizeColor.Eof %> <div style="width:120px; float:left"><input type="checkbox" name="pdtn_szcl_id" value="<%=rsPdtn_sizeColor.fields.item("pdtn_szcl_id")%>">&nbsp;<%=rsPdtn_sizeColor.fields.item("pdtn_st_size")%> &nbsp;&nbsp;<%=rsPdtn_sizeColor.fields.item("pdtn_st_color")%></div> <div style="width:50px; float:left"><input type="text" name="pdtn_qty" value="<%=rsPdtn_sizeColor.fields.item("pdtn_st_qty_est")%>" size="7"></div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <% rsPdtn_sizeColor.movenext Loop End if rsPdtn_sizeColor.movefirst %></td><td><input name="pdtn_note" value="<%=pdtn_note%>" size="39"></td>\[/code\]However, with this code, only field "pdtn_szcl_id" that can pass only recordset that i checked. I want "pdtn_qty" to do the same as well. So could you please help me on this. Thank you