I have seen this question answered elsewhere, although the text book I am reading is teaching me differently from other examples I have seen on the net.I would like to continue learning the way this text book is teaching me, as I am finding it easy to learn and follow.I am attempting to use a HTML form to save just a simple name and message. I then use Javascript and PHP to save this to an XML document.I am using all my code on a server (MAMP on my mac), as the text book states. Although, it still refuses to work. I know for sure that all my code is correct, and is copied from the text book word for word.I have tested in IE, FF and Chrome. If anyone has any ideas why it is not working, it would be greatly appreciated!I have pasted my index.htm in pastebin: http://pastebin.com/KsjxLjgjThe XML and PHP is posted here since it is super simple.PHP:\[code\]<?php//file_put_contents("messages.xml", "<?xml version=".$_POST['<?xml_version']);file_put_contents("messages.xml", file_get_contents('php://input'));?>OK\[/code\]XML:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><messages> <message> <text> <![CDATA[Some words that are the content of the message.]]> </text> <user>user 1</user> <date>10 MArch 2011</date> </message> <message> <text> <![CDATA[Some words that are the content of the message.]]> </text> <user>user 2</user> <date>17 July 2008</date> </message></messages>\[/code\]