How to rip styles?


New Member
ok does anyone here know how to rip a style off from vbulletin? If yes can you pls teach me how... i also want to learn...
You need 3 things

1. vBulletin
2. Knowledge/lean XML / HTML / CSS
3. The theme images

You cant really be taught you have to learn yourself through experience and some guidance for people. No one can teach you how to rip a style from scratch its up to you to learn the basics first then ask for help when stuck.
well i know css and html but not xml.
And i can rip the images.
and i have vbulletin.

All i need is xml.

but then what do i do?
well mostly use a style that is already available for example the vb default style and start to edit it's css and changing images here and there, then the same vbulletin will generate the xml for you, at least that's the way i modify styles, I think it can be used to rip styles also if you modify some templates and change the whole css hope it helps cya
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Itsuki Minami said:
well mostly use a style that is already available for example the vb default style and start to edit it's css and changing images here and there, then the same vbulletin will generate the xml for you, at least that's the way i modify styles, I think it can be used to rip styles also if you modify some templates and change the whole css hope it helps cya

That is one of the easiest ways of ripping a style :)