how to return html code and php value in one ajax call


New Member
i have a simple ajax call which returns html codes, \[code\]//=======-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-==-=-=-=-=//SEARCH Submit ===============================================================================$('.clicked_search').live("click",function() {var from = $('#from').val();var to = $('#to').val();var sel = $('#sel').val();var BegDT = new Date(from);var EndDT = new Date(to);var sum = BegDT - EndDT;alert (BegDT +" b"+ EndDT +" e"+ sum);if(sum > 0 | from == "" & to != "" | from != "" & to == ""){$('.inv_date').show();}else{ $("#app_panel").html('<div id="flash" align="left" ><img src="" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<span class="loading">Loading Request...</span></div>'); $("#clock").html('<div id="flash2" align="left" ><img src="" height="15px" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<span class="loading"><font size="1">Loading Request...</font></span></div>'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "database/clientpanel/logs/search_call_log.php", data: { from: from, to: to, sel: sel }, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#flash").hide(); $('.inv_date').hide(); $("#app_panel").append(html); } }); $.ajax({ url: "database/clientpanel/logs/search_clock_log.php", cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#flash2").hide(); $('.inv_date').hide(); $("#clock").append(html); } });} return false;});\[/code\]but i also want it to return values that was produced from the php which the ajax called, \[code\]session_start();include("../../");// connect to the database $client_id = $_SESSION['clientid'];//===========THIS PHP VALUES RIGHT HERE=================================== $out = 0; $in = 0; $ext =0; $min = 0; $sec = 0;//==================================================================== $query=" select * from call where client='$client_id' ORDER BY date_time DESC"; $result = $mysqli->query($query);\[/code\]how can i return the "html code" together with the "php values" using one ajax call?