How to retrieve information from another website?


New Member
I am trying to retrieve some information from other website to my website(Legally)... I am new in ASP Classic and XML DOM. I know XML DOM but not having enough knowledge to use it. I am using below code to get page from other website, and its working fine\[code\]Dim xmlset xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")xml.Open "GET", ""&sCode , falsexml.SendDim strRetrivestrRetrive=xml.responseText\[/code\]Now, Problem is to get Status of Product this page. I have seen Source Code of this page, and it follows below :\[code\] <div id="status_block"> <span id="persistentStatus">Status:</span> <link itemprop="availability" href="" /> <div id="productStatus"> Available <a class="helpicon mimo" title="Available" href=""> </a> </div> .....\[/code\]I want to get Value from DIV id = productStatus. As I know, Can I use XPath Query or other tool? If So, can you give me more info on this?