How to replace images upon thumbnail click, instead of loading whole new page?


Here is my site as of yet....<br />
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Here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... dex_l.html</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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If you go to the media page you see it will be loading a list of thumbnails on the left. Now, instead of having EACH thumbnail load a whole seperate html document in the main frame (lower left main area) how can I just have the click on the thumbnail replace the image thats loaded into the main frame at time? <br />
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Im looking to just have one HTML page that will be titled say..."images.html" that when you click the "media" button will load into the main frame, then when you click on the thumbnail on the left it will kep the "images.html" loaded in the main frame and JUST replace the center image and keep the allready loaded background and style sheet for whatever text I may have. This way I wont have to have a HTML page for EACH thumbnail/image combo. Is there any way I can do this?<br />
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Also, how can I make a "home" button that will just completely reload the main index_l.html page and reload the whole frameset and everything back to what it is when you started the page?<br />
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Thanks so much guys. I understand its not viewable in all browsers, doesnt need to be, its for a class that we just have to make up our own viewing audience.<!--content-->1) I think you want something like the hyperlink on your thumbnail image to go to the .jpg file, and then set the target to be your main frame. This will load the image into your main frame.<br />
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However, your question seems to imply only changing one part of the frame. So, if that is the case, you may wish to insert an iframe into the main frame, and target that instead.<br />
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The only downside of that is that the frame you target with your image will have a white background. You may be able to change that with css though.<br />
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2) Don't know. <br />
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Dave<!--content-->2. I think you may use href properties target=_parent and link to the main starter page and when user click on it, it will load everything from th start.<!--content-->Thanks you guys, didnt even think about the iframe. That would be the best way for me. Ill just have it load the iframe with the same background color when it starts, but ill make it the same size as the images (which will all be the same size as each other for the most part) so that when you click the image thumb there is no empty space in the main frame.<!--content-->