I have 3 models: User, Order and UserOrderuser_order.rb\[code\]belongs_to :user, :class_name => "User"belongs_to rder, :class_name => "Order"\[/code\]user.rb\[code\]has_many :user_orders, foreign_key: :user_id, dependent: :destroyhas_many rdering, through: :user_orders, source: rder\[/code\]order.rb\[code\]has_many :reverse_user_orders, foreign_key: rder_id, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "UserOrder"has_many rderers, through: :reverse_user_orders, source: :user\[/code\]I have controller action in orders_controller.rb, which creates the relationship between user and order and it works fine (it creates the record in the database)\[code\] def create ... if @order.save current_user.order!(@order) ....\[/code\]I want to render user.name in the orders' index.html.erb file\[code\]<%= order.orderers.name %>\[/code\]but in HTML it only renders caption "User". If I use <%= order.orderers %> it returns the full hash, including user.name.\[code\][#<User id: 19, name: "Peter Jackson", email: "[email protected]", remember_token: "pj6eI2mc2_6G0UbumoEqMA", password_reset_token: nil, password_reset_sent_at: nil, created_at: "2013-01-27 14:10:15", updated_at: "2013-01-27 14:10:28", provider: nil, uid: nil, passport: nil, region: "Zimbabve"]\[/code\]Any way to render user.name in orders' index.html.erb?Thanks