How to Remove These Copyrights ?


New Member
I want to remove all these copyrights from forum footer, please help :D

Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.6.8
Copyright ©2000 - 2007, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
Template-Modifikationen durch TMS
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
neither the TMS nor the vBAdmanagment Copyrights can be removed by editing the footer

for the TMS i found it the easiest way to edit the XML File and re-import it.
Look for the following line of code:
$db->query_write("REPLACE INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "templateedit (varname, styleid, searchstr, searchstrregex, replacestr, product, version) VALUES ('tmsbranding', -1, '\$vbphrase[powered_by_vbulletin]', '\\\\\$vbphrase\\\\[powered_by_vbulletin\\\\]', '\$vbphrase[powered_by_vbulletin]<br />
Template-Modifikationen durch <a href=\"" . str_replace('&', '&', $arr['url']) . "\">TMS</a>', 'vbulletin', '3.6.0')");

This is responsible for adding the Copyright information. Edit the text you want to show, or remove the Copyright completely, then save the xml file and re-import it. Done

For the vBAdmanagement open the global_start.php File in the includes/vb_ad_management folder and look for
if ($pos === False)
		$vbulletin->options['copyrighttext'] .= '<br />Ad Management by <a href="" title="RedTyger website design, hosting and domains." target="_blank">RedTyger</a>';

Edit or remove Copyright as you see fit, save file and you are done
thanks man i'll give it a try and see if it works :)
it helped me removing the copyrights :D
problem resolved :cool:
I've one more Question .. how can i remove <!--VBSEO_RR_2_NOHTML--> from title bar using 1.0 Style
Kang said:
I've one more Question .. how can i remove <!--VBSEO_RR_2_NOHTML--> from title bar using 1.0 Style

read supplied nfo with vbseo style :)

Its a "Relevant Replacements", in your vbseo control pannel you can set it and <!--VBSEO_RR_2_NOHTML--> will be removed from your style :)
Mr.X said:
read supplied nfo with vbseo style :)

Its a "Relevant Replacements", in your vbseo control pannel you can set it and <!--VBSEO_RR_2_NOHTML--> will be removed from your style :)

yes i've read that .. but the problem is im unable to run vbSEO properly. i've installed it yesterday only the main page of forum loads, but cant open any subforum or any categories (blank page appears, prolly cant configure htaccess file properly!) .. is there a way i can use this style widout vbSEO installed :confused:
ok then,
In vbseo.com_1.0_style.xml seach (around line 260)
<title><!--VBSEO_RR_2_NOHTML--><if condition="$pagenumber>1"> - <phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase></if></title>

Replace with:
<title>$foruminfo[title_clean]<if condition="$pagenumber>1"> - <phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase></if> - $vboptions[bbtitle]</title>

Save and now try installing :)

and about installing vbseo, just upload all the supplied files, import product and see if its working. No need to touch supplied default vbseo htaccess file, on my forums only default htaccess file work fine :)
Mr.X said:
Save and now try installing :)

thanks Mr.X it worked like charm :)

Mr.X said:
and about installing vbseo, just upload all the supplied files, import product and see if its working. No need to touch supplied default vbseo htaccess file, on my forums only default htaccess file work fine :)

when i upload the .htaccess file the forum page just goes blank, it dont load it up at all, can this be caused due to chmod :confused:
For the vBAdmanagement open the global_start.php File in the includes/vb_ad_management folder and look for
if ($pos === False)
		$vbulletin->options['copyrighttext'] .= '<br />Ad Management by <a href="" title="RedTyger website design, hosting and domains." target="_blank">RedTyger</a>';

Edit or remove Copyright as you see fit, save file and you are done

I have removed that part of the global_start.php and the main index doesn't work, if you even make 1 change to the file (i.e 1 letter) then the index doesn't work either, This is a very clever way to stop people from removing the copyright.

If someone can do this please let me know