New Member
I have a QComboBox that shows a selection arrow by default on the left when clicked - snapshot attached below.
My stylesheet is as below\[code\]#define PROFILE_PAGE_COMBOBOX_CSS_ACTIVE " \ QComboBox { \ background:white; \ border:1px solid gray \ } \ QComboBox::down-arrow { \ image: url/coolcast_images/profilecomboboxdropdown.png); width:15px; height: 15px; \ } \ QComboBox::drop-down { \ subcontrol-origin: padding; \ subcontrol-position: right; \ width: 15px; \ height: 15px; \ border:0px; \ padding-right:8px; \ } \ QComboBox QAbstractItemView { \ border: 0px; \ padding: 1px; \ background-color: #ffffff; \ color: gray; \ selection-background-color: #ffffff; \ selection-color: blue; \ } \"this->m_CountryEdit->setStyleSheet(PROFILE_PAGE_COMBOBOX_CSS_ACTIVE);\[/code\]How can I get rid of this selection arrow?