How to remove code added to a .dll component?


I have myProject.dll component in /bin directory with several .vb code added into it, and I want to remove some .vb files added (compiled) to that myProject.dll.

To compile the .vb files I use the command line compiler, I don?t use any IDE tool, so I need to know how to remove that .vb files from the command line compiler.

To compile them, now I use this cmd.exe file:

@echo off
C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\vbc.exe /nologo /target:library /out:bin/myProject.dll newCodeBehind.vb /r:system.dll /r:system.web.dll /

How can I do it so that I can remove the newCodeBehind.vb file from the myProject.dll component once compiled/added on it?

Thank youI use VS 03, so I don't really know much about manual compiling .Net. But, I did a "vbc.exe /help" and didn't see anything that looks like it would do what you want.

I don't know what trouble it would be for you, but maybe you'll just have to recompile from scratch.Hi,

thank you for respond me.

In VS 03 isn' t possible to remove .vb files of code behind or .dll?

Do you think that it doesn' t matter to have .vb compiled files without use in code behind or in a .dll file?

I don' t understand what you mean with 'maybe you'll just have to recompile from scratch.' Would you mind repeating it in other words please? (I don' t understand the meaning in English)From your code, if you use vbc, eg:
vbc /t:library /out:bin/myProject.dll myProject.vb

It means that you compile myProject.vb into DLL. It's not removing it, but it creates a DLL.

Do you have Visual Studio? If you have VS, then it's easy to add/remove file frmo your project. Because VS compiles everything to be one whole DLL file. What I mean is, if you have a project called MyProject and has 10 files in it, VS will compile the whole 10 files into one DLL called MyProject.dll, that way if you want to exclude one or more files, you can simply right-click on the files and click delete/remove :)

Hope this helps.
TommyThanks Tommy, that it' s interesting

With my system, compiling manually, I already compile all the files into one only .dll. And now I already know how to remove one of those files!, manually of course :).

Until now I haven' t needed any IDE such as VS :cool:, I suppose that some day I will need it.. But I am learning a lot writing all my project inline.