How to refresh to the top, not the frame??

I've got a page in a frame that wants to cause the entire browser window to "forward" to a new page. Historically, I've put this in the page:<br />
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<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="2; URL=destination_page.htm"><br />
<br />
to make this happen. But with this page in a frame, the new page (destination_page.htm) appears in the frame, rather than taking the place of the frameset.<br />
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How do I get the frameset to be replaced with the new page... or is there a better way to get the result I want?<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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Larry :confused:<!--content-->try target="_parent" I have only used the metatag for refresh one time before so thats the best advice I can give.<!--content-->