I always get solution of critical problems from Stack Overflow. Firstly I want to thank all the team members of SO. My problem is that I have and XML file beside the android. I want that android read this file and create tree from this file and the tree view follow testing condition of pass and fail. How can I read xml file and create tree from it. Kindly guide and help.The xml file is created on notepad. The content of this xml file is:\[code\] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Parent Node name="Unit Testing" result="Passed"> <Child Node name="GetCampaignTestclass" result="" methodName=""> <Sub Child Node name="CampaignPageShouldNotBeNull" result="Failed" methodName="GetCampaignPages"></Sub Child Node> <Sub Child Node name="CampaignServiceObjectShouldNotBeNull" result="Passed" methodName="GetCampaignService"></Child Node> </Sub Child Node> <Child Node name="GetAdGroupTestclass" result="" methodName=""> <Sub Child Node name="AdGroupPageShouldNotBeNull" result="Failed" methodName="GetAdGroupPages"></Sub Child Node> <Sub Child Node name="AdGroupServiceObjectShouldNotBeNull" result="Passed" methodName="GetAdGroupService"></Sub Child Node> </Sub Child Node> <Child Node name="GetTextAdTestclass" result="" methodName=""> <Sub Child Node name="AdGroupAdPageShouldNotBeNull" result="Failed" methodName="GetTextAdPages"></Sub Child Node> <Sub Child Node name="AdGroupServiceObjectShouldNotBeNull" result="Passed" methodName="GetTextAdService"></Sub Child Node> </Sub Child Node> <Child Node name="GetKeywordsTestclass" result="" methodName=""> <Sub Child Node name="AdGroupCriterionPageShouldNotBeNull" result="Failed" methodName="GetAdGroupCriterionPages"></Sub Child Node> <Sub Child Node name="AdGroupCriterionServiceObjectShouldNotBeNull" result="Passed" methodName="GetAdGroupCriterionService"></Sub Child Node> </Sub Child Node></Parent Node>\[/code\]Can I make this xml file in android and read node data from it? How?