How to read POP3 mails from ASP.Net VB.Net application


I need to read POP3(SMTP) mails from ASP.Net VB.Net Application.

The program continuously monitor the server for particular mail ID.

If any mail for that mail ID, Read the mail and process the information accrdingly.

Kindly suggest me.

SivaHai I have also same problem

Pls Reply
Senthil Kumar.VOriginally posted by rskshiva

I need to read POP3(SMTP) mails from ASP.Net VB.Net Application.

The program continuously monitor the server for particular mail ID.

If any mail for that mail ID, Read the mail and process the information accrdingly.

Kindly suggest me.

Siva It can't be done with The reason it cant is because the client is sitting on http protocol which is a request based protocol. The only way to moniter it somewhat continuously would be something like a meta refresh to rerequest the data. You might use an executable program for continuous monitering, something that can check the server rapidly or something that just has a stateful protocol.

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