New Member
Hi all i have this xml document and i want to extract either the first or the second applications file path and file name etc. ive tried\[code\]DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/InstallerList/Installer/File_Path").InnerText\[/code\]But i only ever get the first applications info and never the second, ive tried playing around with \[code\]DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//Installer")\[/code\]and adding a integer to the end of it so i could cycle through however it doesnt seem to like that. Any thoughts?\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><InstallerList> <Installer Name="First Application"> <FilePath>C:\</FilePath> <Third_Parameter>etc</Third_Parameter> <Forth_Parameter>etc</Forth_Parameter> </Installer> <Installer Name="Second Application"> <FilePath>etc</FilePath> <Third_Parameter>etc</Third_Parameter> <Forth_Parameter>etc</Forth_Parameter> </Installer></InstallerList>\[/code\]