How to re-organized XML file and call XML file from my softw


Staff member
Hello, everybody. Sorry to disturb you all.
Currently, I have a speech recording and playback software developed by Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. The software is used to train children with speech problem and scores will be calculated and showed at the end of each practice session. The software is able to record and playback real-time.

Children use this software at home and save their practice records in a single floppy disk. Then, children will bring the floppy disk with practice records inside when they return to our centre.

I have two problems with the xml programming part. My software automatically created history file (in XML format) to display the scores of the children抯 practices. The history file (in XML format) is saved by the children in floppy disk when they return to our centre.
But, the data or information in the XML is in a mess where all data are put together. Do you mind to tell me what should I do to create more organized XML format? The therapist needs to scroll in order to read the scores. I have the program codes of XML in four of my cpp files.

The second question is how to call or open XML file (the history file) from my software?
My codes are as below. After I execute the program, it is error free and the File Open dialog box is popped up but no XML file came out after I select the desired XML file. My codes are as below:

void CSpeechDlg::OnScore()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CFileDialog openfile(TRUE,NULL,NULL,OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"XML File (*.xml)|*.xml|");
if (openfile.DoModal()==IDOK)
CString cs=openfile.GetFileName();
char* filename=new char[cs.GetLength()+1];


I promise I wont disturb you a lot, I promise I will do my best. Can you please help me?
I am totally new to this as the software is written by one of my previous friend who worked together with me in a voluntary speech rehabilitation centre. We need this software to train children in the centre. I work part time there.

Hope you can give me some guidances on how to do it. I promise I can learn as independent as possible but I really need your guidance at this very beginning, please.
Please, I really appreciate all your help.