How to put streaming video onto my site


I have no knowledge of this whatsoever. I have a video - file name "Near Life Experience Promo (stream).wmv" , I would like people to be able to click on a link in order to view this video, firstly what do I need to do to have it run, either imbedded or in a seperate window (whatever is easier for the average joe to watch), and secondly how do I upload it, my ftp server (ws_ftp) has a warning saying "disc size exceeded" when I tried to get it online.<br />
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Please Help!!!<!--content-->you will have to delete some things from it, and i am working on an answer to your other question<!--content-->Thanks, what is the best way of deleting stuff from it as it is a single file, or is there a way of uploading a zipped version and having it still work?<!--content-->no not really then when access it has to be unzip which is not easy to program and can be quite slow<!--content-->Hi, its 11.4 MB at the mo, all I have is the this version on a cdrom and I am not sure how to shrink it, waht will be the most efficiant way of getting it online and then letting people watch it...<!--content-->you could try a video editing program? and reduce the quality sligthly, also i dont know if its the same with videos, but say a bmp is ALOT more larger than a jpg so you might try changing the xtension<!--content-->NO!!!!!<br />
you cant just change the extension!!!!!!!<br />
that is dont just rename it's extension!<br />
if you want to reduce quality (and filesize) use a video editing prog to do so.<br />
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on to streaming:<br />
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<embed src="filename"><br />
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ok?<br />
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please note that embeding a large file will mean that other people will have to load a 14 mb movie just to see the page (you better put it on a seperate page).<!--content-->thats what i said use a video editing program you should at least read posts before replying to them :D<!--content-->LOL - it's gotta be said buddy, that really did sound like change the extension of the video to .jpg LOL.<br />
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Just experiment with different encoding resolutions etc. Or cut a few scenes out...<!--content-->