how to put site your domain?


I am useing lycos right now to store my pages for my, you kind ppl, have told me about "godaddy" to register my site...<br />
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how do i get all my pages ,that i have with tripod....and transfer them all to my new domain name? thx for any help on this matter,as being a newbie to this site makeing...i get confused again<br />
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bob<!--content-->Hello there.<br />
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Are you using seperate hosting or is your domain simply a forward to your lycos address. <br />
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Best Wishes, <br />
David<!--content-->Hey David<br />
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well, i am still working on my site..but i have all my "html" pages..with lycos...not a domain...i want to buy a domain name...ill probably go with "godaddy"....<br />
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i guess im asking.....when i get a domain do i get all my "html" my domain...or do i have to do anything at lost here...i just have 8 pages that are on tripos for now...this is what my site looks like so far..i still have a lot of work to do :O)) Click here: A.m-P.m Janitorial Service<br />
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thx for your help<br />
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bob<!--content-->sorry about the link..but this is the URL ..i am using for my pages for now..till i get a domain <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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thx ...bob<!--content-->can you "not" put everything in "quotes"?<br />
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If you just get the domain name then would just go to your site in its current location, if you get a hosting package then you have to copy the html over to the new place.<!--content-->Hey flabob, <br />
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basically when you purchase your domain, you should be given the option to either redirect to your old domain or set up a link with your hosting. <br />
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As you only have a domain and hosting with lycos. Just redirect to your current page URL. <br />
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Hope that helps.<br />
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Best Wishes,<br />
David<!--content-->didnt know about the quotes Inca.......just trying to be as clear as i can<br />
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And thx David for your patience,and help..........i think i might have worded my question wrong....<br />
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I have bought a domain through I have made pages for my site on tripod, which is free.<br />
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now, i am looking to buy a host through useing godaddy for the TRAIL BLAZER search optimizer they have for 29 dollars a year......would this be a good idea?......and if i buy host space from as Inca i just copy and paste my pages from tripod to for the help<br />
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bob<!--content-->Oh right Bob. I now get what you mean. <br />
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You will probably be accessing your server through either FTP or a manual uploading control panel. <br />
If you want to copy and paste your files from one server(tripod) to another (newone) then you shoud Download <!--more--> something like CuteFTP (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) you will then have to "GET" (Download <!--more-->) your files and then "PUT" (upload) onto new server.<br />
I hope this is what you want. <br />
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Best Wishes, <br />
David<!--content-->Alright :O))...thx man..thats what i need.........i went ahead and got cuteftp...........thx again.......<br />
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also...can i use the domain from 25mb from another site..and trail blazer from godaddy...can i use all these differant sites....and still put my pages on my domain?.......<br />
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like...will trail blazer work with a great day<br />
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bob<!--content-->Hi Bob,<br />
Let me take a shot at clearing things up a little for you. When you register a domain name (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->), you are leasing the right to use it as a pointer to your website. The site can reside on any computer with a connection to the Internet. That domain name is an alias, not the actual address of your site. The real address will be something difficult for human minds to remember, so domain name aliases are used. It's like living in an apartment building so big that the apartments all have long numeric address that no one can remember. So, you tell people you live at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. Once they get there, they are given more explicit directions how to find you by the front office.<br />
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Here's what happens. If I miss something, someone else will straighten us both out. ;) <br />
When you register a domain, you must designate the nameserver addresses where your site will be hosted. Each hosting company will have their own. So, if you register your domain at Godaddy, but have your site at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, you would specify something like & as your nameservers (there will be 2). If you need to change this info down the road (when/if you switch hosting companies), you do it at the registrar's website - Godaddy, in this case.<br />
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The nameservers advertise your address to Internet address index computers, and they in turn broadcast it to others. In a few days at most, your domain is listed on computers all over the world. Don't confuse this with search engine listings. That's another ball of wax.<br />
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I don't know if Trailblazer will work for a site hosted somewhere other than Godaddy, but I would think so. You'll need to check with them (before you pays you money).<br />
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This part is a little confusing.can i use the domain from 25mb from another site..and trail blazer from godaddy...can i use all these differant sites....and still put my pages on my domain?.......You will have one site on one computer. That is where your pages will be. After all, the pages are what make up your site, right? Trailblazer is most likely (I'm not familiar with it) a program to help you optimize your site & drive traffic to it.<br />
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I hope this helps.<!--content-->Wow..very cool detailed info..thx Aronya :O)).........i got a good part of it, and i think i can figure it i have paid for so far is....the domain name (registered it)..from want to transfer all my pages..from my (free ,tripod) my domain (whom i bought at ..FTP..correct?.......<br />
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now do i have to buy bandwidth for the space i selling 25 mb..for like 4 bucks or so..will that be plenty for this simple HTML site im makeing?<br />
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sorry for all the questions,but just learning the HTML....took all my brain really appreciate all the time and help you ppl have given me <smile>......thx<br />
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bob<!--content-->When you purchase a hosting plan, you get a certain amount of bandwidth by default. The same goes for space on the host's computer. If you don't know how much, go back & read the ad copy that made you spend your money in the first place. It's highly unlikely that you'll need to spend any more money.<br />
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Yes, you'll most likely use FTP to transfer files. You already got CuteFTP, so use that.<!--content-->Thx Aronya :O))<br />
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Ya'll been a great help.........i know ill b back to ask some more questions.........i really appreciate the time<br />
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