How to put a lot of XMLs together and transform it in Windows


New Member
I have a lot of XML files in folders - one XML for one page of a book. I need to put all the XMLs together in one root XML file and then make first transformation using XSL for removing namespaces and unwanted attributes (I have a XSL stylesheet for that), save the new XML and than transform it again using another stylesheet (I have prepared it too) and save the result text file.I do it at home in Oxygen with one XML file, but I need to make this process automatic, run it with some script. I must work in Windows and without Oxygen, customer has not any software for it and wants to make it by himself.How to put XMLs together without writing a root XML with !ENTITY tags? What software tools (for XSL transformation) can I use? How to make such script for Windows?I do programming in Python and a little in Java.Thank you very much.