How to protect your site?


New Member
How to protect your site from ddosing ? is there any way to stop the ddos attack ? i am facing this problemz wid my site.sometime my site seems to be very slow and sometimes my site get down there is no problem wid server i confirmed it.then the only thing is left some one ddosing or flooding etc etc can some one help me.or is there any way to know that is someone ddosing or there is then other probz.i hope everyone take it serions and the web masters will help me in this issue.Thanks
hmm i was using nuke paltinum first my site get ddosed i talk to u the coder of nuke platinum he is just send me a htacess something and said upload this after this my site didnt go down and no i thought may be is there any way in vb too.
The .htaccess will only work if your know the domain(s) where the DDOS is originating. Most times they come from different domains.
hmm when i see error logs then i see a site which is many times refering me something dont remember exactly ok can u kinldy send me the .htaccess and the code for vb ? in pm thanks & i am thinking to use Vb firewall mod wht u say some guys told me that it ll block the Seacrh Engine agent huh