How to Produce Visual Output?


New Member
Hello,This will sound ludicrous and simple, but I have to start somewhere.My company is hooking up with a B2B that will supply us with XML modulesto push daily/hourly updating headlines. While they may well supply us witheverything we need to integrate it into our website, we would like to understandhow the whole process works before we wipe the egg off our face in frontof our new partners.I've been reading about XML, XSL, DTD, and while I am understanding to apoint the methodology and usage, I'm hitting a brick wall. How do I utilizeXML and XSL on my webspace. Do I need some sort of parser on my server, doI need some sort of java file to call it from? It's like I'm trying to gofrom point A to point C and have no clue where point B is.How does XML get read from the browser?Thanks for any help and pointers?RonBTW, I wrote a script that worked in a validator but not on the server.