New Member
I managed to create a query that fit my need. But now I am running into issues where given the current way of displaying results the query repeats each and every result twice. How can i make it work correctly where it shows it once. Code: \[code\]$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT contacts.contact_id, user_accounts.full_name, contact_notes.note_name, contact_notes.type, contact_notes.note_id, contact_posts.why_post, contact_posts.type, contact_posts.post_idFROM contacts, user_accounts, contact_notes, contact_postsWHERE (contacts.system_id = '$sid' AND contacts.contact_id = user_accounts.system_id AND contact_notes.user_allowed = '$everybody' AND contact_posts.user_allowed = '$everybody') OR (contacts.contact_id = '$sid' AND contacts.system_id = user_accounts.system_id AND contact_notes.user_allowed = '$everybody' AND contact_posts.user_allowed = '$everybody')LIMIT $startrow, 20";$query = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Error: ".mysql_error());$result = mysql_query($sql);if ($result == ""){echo "";}echo "";$rows = mysql_num_rows($result);if($rows == 0){print("");}elseif($rows > 0){while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){$noteid = htmlspecialchars($row['note_id']);$note_title = htmlspecialchars($row['note_name']);$postid = htmlspecialchars($row['post_id']);$postreason = htmlspecialchars($row['why_post']);$datetimeadded = htmlspecialchars($row['just_date']);print("<br /> <br />$note_title - $noteid <br /><br />$postreason - $postid");}}\[/code\]