how to place user at a specific location on page ?

Hello,<br />
<br />
I'm having trouble trying to place the user at a specific location on my page. I have an ASP page that dynamically builds a table based on the results of an SQL query (sometimes listing up to 200 items). I would like to place the user at a specific place on the page based on a record number that I already have stored. By default the user is placed at the top of the page, but how do build the page placing them at say the 150th or 190th entry in the list ? Thanks !!<!--content-->look into anchor tags name attribute,<br />
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you can create an internal navigational system using a combination of <br />
<a href="#internalLinkName">Go to bottom</a><br />
<br />
and then in the bottom of the page have this<br />
<br />
<a name="internalLinkName"></a><!--content-->Yes, you've got the right idea Khalid...but when the user enters the page I want them to be at the specified entry in the table. I don't want them to have to click on a "go to the record" option. I want to save them the step of clicking, by having the record already in front of them. Thanks for taking the time to answer me though !! If all else fails, I may have the record as the first entry in the list, but that isn't what I want. In this case, it would be more appropriate to just put the user at the proper location in the list.<!--content-->this what you will need to do,<br />
<br />
<body onload="goToRecord('<?php $record ?>')"><br />
<br />
now you have set a parameter which is passed to this function when page is loaded.<br />
in the function<br />
<br />
function goToRecord(record){<br />
location.href = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->"#"+record;<br />
}<br />
<br />
this will do what you want...:D<!--content--> are the man !! Thank you !<!--content-->:D <br />
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My pleasure...<!--content-->That'll work most of the time, but certainly not all. You might want to provide a link just in case.<!--content-->