How to place DisplayName into Variable


New Member
I'm trying to do something, that may be extremely simple so please bear with me, I just want to get 'DisplayName' from an XML file into a string in my C# code. here's what I have:THIS IS C#2.0 in VS2005XML:\[code\]<MonitorScope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" id="System" xmlns=""> <PersonalSafety> <MonitorResponseRecord Enabled="false" DisplayName="ValveFailureAtCentralPosition"><ExpressionMonitor><postAlarm><AlarmName>Valve_Position_Fault</AlarmName><Parameter1> Sensor Position = {X}</Parameter1><Parameter2> Sensor Position = {X}</Parameter2><Parameter3> Sensor Position = {X}</Parameter3></postAlarm></ExpressionMonitor></MonitorResponseRecord><MonitorResponseRecord ... ... ...>... ...... ... and so on about 1600 times.\[/code\]In my C# code I've attempted the following but to No Avail:C#:\[code\]public class AlarmRecord{ /// <remarks/> public string PmAlarm; /// <remarks/> public string Parameter1; /// <remarks/> public string Parameter2; /// <remarks/> public string Parameter3; /// <remarks/> public string DisplayName;} protected void OnPostAlarm(PostAlarm postAlarm) { try { AlarmRecord alarmRecord = new AlarmRecord(); alarmRecord.PmAlarm = postAlarm.AlarmName; alarmRecord.Parameter1 = postAlarm.Parameter1; alarmRecord.Parameter2 = postAlarm.Parameter2; alarmRecord.Parameter3 = postAlarm.Parameter3; string fileName = "UMSM.009.8Root.xml"; string fullPath; fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(fileName); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(fullPath)); System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument docNav = new System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument(reader); System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator Q = docNav.CreateNavigator(); System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression EXE = Q.Compile("MonitorResponseRecord/@DisplayName"); alarmRecord.DisplayName = Convert.ToString(Q.Evaluate(EXE)); alarms.Enqueue( alarmRecord ); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Write(e); OnUnknownResponse(postAlarm); } }\[/code\]basically my current issue is that durring Debug the issue that I'm noticing is in the line where 'reader' is initialized... the program usually throws an exception here