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My \[code\]cancel\[/code\] button is present inside a datagridWhat i want to achieve is on the Button click i want to validate from the data present inside a Readonly \[code\]textbox\[/code\] that if its status is sentIt should display in a message box abc....
\[code\] protected void datagrid1_ItemCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e){ if(e.CommandName == "Click") { }}\[/code\]Front end code snippet\[code\]<td class="style1"> </td><td class="style1"> <asp:Button ID="btncancel" runat="server" Text="Cancel" CommandName="Click" /> </td><td class="style1"> </td></tr><tr> <td class="style2"> </td><td class="style4"> </td><td class="style3"> </td> <td class="style1"> <asp:TextBox ID="Status" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Status") %>'></asp:TextBox> </td><td class="style1">\[/code\]was thinking to use the Item_Command but could not find a way out