How to perform a search query using Services_Twitter?


New Member
I am trying to perform a Twitter search using the PEAR package Services_Twitter.Unfortunately this only returns an array of status ids, for example *(var_dump)*:\[code\]object(stdClass)#88 (2) { ["statuses"]=> array(11) { [0]=> int(49497593539) [1]=> int(49497593851) [2]=> int(49497598001) [3]=> int(49497599055) [4]=> int(49497599597) [5]=> int(49497600733) [6]=> int(49497602607) [7]=> int(49497607031) [8]=> int(49497607453) [9]=> int(49497609577) [10]=> int(49497610605) } ["created_in"]=> float(0.008847)}\[/code\]The script I'm using is similar to this test script I wrote:\[code\]<?php//$oAuth = new HTTP_OAuth_Consumer( /** Supply oAuth details here **/ );$Twitter = new Services_Twitter();//$Twitter->setOAuth($oAuth);try { $Response = $Twitter->search(array( "q" => "#FF -RT OR #FollowFriday -RT", "rpp" => 10, "since_id" => 23982086000, "result_type" => "recent" )); var_dump($Response); } catch (Exception $e) { fwrite(STDERR, $e->getMessage()); }?>\[/code\]Since I want to scan the tweets for certain words and want to know when it was posted and by whom, I would need to request all these statuses one by one.But according to the example response in the Twitter API documentation they already return all the necessary information about the tweets (which is kinda obvious).So, the question is: How can I access this information using Services_Twitter?Kind Regards,Arno