how to pass data from one php page to another page


New Member
i am building three php pages interlinking with each other for eg.1. Customer details2. product details3. payment detailssame procedure or mechanism that are provided at every on-line shopping websites.Now all i just need to pass or hold the data/values that are filled by any user at first form i.e. on customer profile page to second form i.e. on product details without submitting or inserting data into database, and the value of second page i.e. of product details with the data of first page should be pass to third page i.e on payment details, now while clicking on the submit button of third page the whole data or values of all three pages should be stored or inserted finally into database.I know php provides the method for this and i have used GET and POST method for this also but its is not at allHere is my code-For first page- //content of form "; ?>