Hi,<BR><BR>I am a Newbie and so kindly help me out.<BR><BR>I want to pass the username to various pages.Are Cookies and Sessions, the only way to do this?<BR><BR>Do you have any new method to do this?<BR><BR>thx<BR>PhilipYou can pass info in several ways...<BR><BR>1. Through the URL<BR>2. Through a FORM post<BR>3. Session variable<BR>4. Cookie<BR>5. Database<BR><BR>....if it is something you want to always be able to grab I prefer to use sessions (cookieless in my case). These are the easiest to use if you ask me, and as long as you don't go over board putting tons of info in them they seem to be just fine (especially the cookieless mode).The session id is stored in a cookie on the client machine. So if cookies are disabled sessions wont work. But the actual information is on iis.I actually wanted to know if there is any new method apart from those mentioned.<BR><BR>Anyway, thx for your time and information.<BR><BR>Philip