How to pass a nested PHP-Array via AJAX-Post?


New Member
I have a PHP-Script that expects:\[code\]$_REQUEST['asdf']['bsdf']['csdf']\[/code\]to be set when it is called, and I cannot change this.I want to call this PHP-Script via ajax:\[code\]myurl = '';myid = $(this.$element).attr('id'); //gets the id of a textfield: csdfvalue = '';$.ajax({type: 'POST', url: myurl, data: {'asdf[bsdf][myid]': value}, success: function (data) { /* blabla */ } });\[/code\]It does not work though, because the var "myid" is not filled with the supposed value "csdf".Can someone help me how to do this?PS: I cannot access the PHP-File, so no changes in structure possible...