How to parse XML


New Member
Hi. I have been doing html for a number of years and have some very minor experience with javascript, XML, XSLT, and perl--though I am by no means a programmer. I want to make my pages more dynamic and powerful, mainly by incorperating database funtionality via html forms.

For example, I would like an html form to access a database
and display filtered results. I know I could do this with perl/cgi, but before I venture to really learn perl, I would like advice on what to use.

I would prefer to store my records in XML. But what would be the best method to use in order to use html forms to parse xml data? There is so much out there:
-cgi/perl, jsp, php, ColdFusion etc.

Going forward, if you had major time constraints, what would the best technology be to invest my time in learning well? Thanks so much, Aaron