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I am trying to parse an xml using python for create a result summary file. Below is my code and a snippet of xml, Like the below i have couple of sections with \[code\]<test>\[/code\] and \[code\]</test>\[/code\]\[code\]<test name="tst_case1"> <prolog time="2013-01-18T14:41:09+05:30"/> -<verification name="VP5" file="D:/Squish/HMI_testing/tst_case1/" type="properties" line="6"> -<result time="2013-01-18T14:41:10+05:30" type="PASS"> <description>VP5: Object propertycomparisonof ':_QMenu_3.enabled'passed</description> <description type="DETAILED">'false' and 'false' are equal</description> <description type="object">:_QMenu_3</description> <description type="property">enabled</description> <description type="failedValue">false</description> </result> </verification> <epilog time="2013-01-18T14:41:11+05:30"/> </test>\[/code\]What I want to get is,in one \[code\]<test>\[/code\] section how many PASS / FAIL is there.With the below code its printing the total pass/Fail in the xml file.But i am interested in each section how many PASS/FAIL. can any boy tell me the procedure to fetchout this ?\[code\]import sysimport xml.dom.minidom as XYfile = open("result.txt", "w")tree = XY.parse('D:\\Squish\\squish results\\Results-On-2013-01-18_0241 PM.xml')Test_name = tree.getElementsByTagName('test')Test_status = tree.getElementsByTagName('result')count_testname =0passcount = 0failcount = 0Test_name_array = []for my_Test_name in Test_name: count_testname = count_testname+1 passcount = 0 failcount = 0 my_Test_name_final = my_Test_name.getAttribute('name') Test_name_array = my_Test_name_final if(count_testname > 1): print(my_Test_name_final) for my_Test_status in Test_status: my_Test_status_final = my_Test_status.getAttribute('type') if(my_Test_status_final == 'PASS'): passcount = passcount+1 if(my_Test_status_final == 'FAIL'): failcount = failcount+1 print(str(my_Test_status_final))\[/code\]