How to Parse XML data to a PHP variable


New Member
I am mediocre with php and ignorant with XML...if you can be detailed it will help me learn.I am attempting to use PHP programming to execute a scripts to this link... The VARIABLE_ZIP is the actual zip code entered into the form that will submit the information in the link above. The output of that link creates an XML page that i do not want displayed anywhere on my website.What I want to do is capture the XML data Latitude and Longitude values as variables within php and store them into a database.1) I have a form2) The user inputs their zip code into the form3) upon submitting the form: I want code to capture the XML data generated by the link with the zip code variable added: (I don't want this page to display anywhere, I just want to capture the data)4) I want to take those variables back to PHP so I can store them in my database *Step 3 is an unknown process for me.This is what the XML code generates on a separate page...(i don't want a page to display):= = = = = \[code\]<geonames><totalResultsCount>1</totalResultsCount><code><postalcode>90210</postalcode><name>Beverly Hills</name><countryCode>US</countryCode><lat>34.09011</lat><lng>-118.40648</lng><adminCode1>CA</adminCode1><adminName1>California</adminName1><adminCode2>037</adminCode2><adminName2>Los Angeles</adminName2><adminCode3/><adminName3/></code></geonames>\[/code\]= = = = =Someone provided me with the following but I am not sure how to execute it and parse the variables I need:\[code\]<?php$pc = $_POST['postalcode'];$c = $_POST['country'];$xml = file_get_contents("{$pc}&country={$c}");file_put_contents("geopost_{$pc}_{$c}.xml",$xml);?>\[/code\]Thank you for your assistance!