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can you help me with this program i'm trying to parse an xml file with two levels (i don't know the term so i call that way) here's the sample of my xml file\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><countries><country> <countryname>Philippines</countryname><subsidiaries> <subsidiary> <name>Sart Philippines Inc.</name> <address>Unit 10-A The World Empire Building, 330 Senator Gil Puyat Avenue Philippines, Philippines</address> <phone>+63.2.929</phone> <fax>+63.932</fax> <email>[email protected]</email> <website>http://www.sartorius-mechatronics.com.ph</website> </subsidiary></subsidiaries></country><country> <countryname>Denmark</countryname> <subsidiaries> <subsidiary> <name>Stedim Nordic A|S</name> <address>Hoerskaetten 6d 2630 Taastrup, Denmark</address> <phone>+45.7023.4400</phone> <fax>+45.4630.4030</fax> <email>[email protected]</email> <website></website> </subsidiary> <subsidiary> <name>Nordic A|S</name> <address>Hoerskaetten 6D 2630 Taastrup, Denmark</address> <phone>+45.7523.8700</phone> <fax>+45.4130.4020</fax> <email>[email protected]</email> <website></website> </subsidiary> </subsidiaries> </country></countries>\[/code\]What i was planning to do was you choose a country, then you choose a subsidiary to view it's info. I was able to parse it but i was not able to show the Stedim Nordic A|S subsidiary. here is my parser class\[code\]@implementation Parser-(id)initParser{ if (self == [super init]) { app = (AppDelegate *) [[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]; } return self;}-(void)parserNSXMLParser *)parser didStartElementNSString *)elementName namespaceURI: (NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedNameNSString *)qName attributesNSDictionary *)attributeDict{ if ([elementName isEqualToString"countries"]) { app.listArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; } if ([elementName isEqualToString"country"]) { theList = [[List alloc]init]; }}-(void)parserNSXMLParser *)parser foundCharactersNSString *)string{ if (!currentElementValue) { currentElementValue = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14436474/[[NSMutableString alloc]initWithString:string]; } else { [currentElementValue appendString:string]; }}-(void)parserNSXMLParser *)parser didEndElementNSString *)elementName namespaceURI: (NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedNameNSString *)qName{ if ([elementName isEqualToString"country"]) { [app.listArray addObject:theList]; } else { if ([elementName isEqualToString"countryname"]) { theList.countryname = currentElementValue; } if ([elementName isEqualToString"name"]) { theList.name = currentElementValue; } if ([elementName isEqualToString"address"]) { theList.address = currentElementValue; } if ([elementName isEqualToString"phone"]) { theList.phone = currentElementValue; } if ([elementName isEqualToString"fax"]) { theList.fax = currentElementValue; } if ([elementName isEqualToString"email"]) { theList.email = currentElementValue; } if ([elementName isEqualToString"website"]) { theList.website = currentElementValue; } currentElementValue = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14436474/nil; }}@end\[/code\]I can't explain it well but i hope you can help me