how to parse JSON google maps JSON in php


New Member
how to parse JSON google maps JSON in phpi have do it in xml, but the coordinates driving direction's not complete as i get with JSON, how we can get all coordinate driving with JSON in php?if we do using xml\[code\]$xml = simplexml_load_file(''.$origin.'&destination='.$dest.'&sensor=false');$startlat = $xml->xpath("/DirectionsResponse/route/leg/step/start_location/lat");$startlng = $xml->xpath("/DirectionsResponse/route/leg/step/start_location/lng");$distanceeach = $xml->xpath("/DirectionsResponse/route/leg/step/distance/value");$distance = $xml->xpath("/DirectionsResponse/route/leg/distance/value");\[/code\]but how to do with json?and i want my variable $startlat, $startlng, etc, contains same value if we do with xml