How to open the Download window on clikcing a URL?

Dear experts,<br />
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In my wep page, I have placed a link "ReleaseNotes".<br />
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This link leads to pdf file,"Release.pdf".<br />
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On clicking the link, it should display Download <!--more--> window with two options<br />
<br />
Open from the lsame ocation<br />
Save to local disk <br />
<br />
(You may see this while Download <!--more-->ing something..)<br />
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How can I get this window on clicking the URL?<br />
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Thankx in advance<br />
Latha<!--content-->With a .pdf it's a little different in reaction. Use the following:<br />
<br />
<a href="Release.pdf">Release Notes</a><br />
<br />
The above is assuming the .pdf is in the same folder as the page the link is on. Also, .pdf's as a rule don't really "Download <!--more-->" as we think of Download <!--more-->, but rather open Adobe's acrobate Reader in the browser. Might make mention of that on the page when you put the link in. :)<br />
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However, to get just the standard Download <!--more--> window that you are familiar with, you'd have to zip the file using a zipping program (WinZip comes to mind) and then upload the zipped file, thus the link would look like:<br />
<br />
<a href="">Release Notes</a><br />
<br />
Hope this helps. Sorry if it's a little confusing... early in the morning for me. :)<!--content-->maybe his question is answered, but i have a similar question so let me modify:<br />
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how do i make a link function so that it acts just like "rightclick, save target as" even though the person just leftclicks it.<!--content-->you can't pyrexyn<!--content-->actually there are ways.. but they're not very reliable. I haven't succeeded in making them work myself, in IE6, but you'd have to do something like this:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
You'd need knowledge of PHP or some other serverside scripting language though. This is just a tip, you'll have to do the research yourself.<br />
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}:-)<!--content-->i think i'm pretty good at php... i mean, not an expert but... yeah so if you do know, i'd like to know. or i'll just research eventually when i really need it, so you don't haveta. thanks<!--content-->Originally posted by Rydberg <br />
actually there are ways.. but they're not very reliable. I haven't succeeded in making them work myself, in IE6, but you'd have to do something like this:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
You'd need knowledge of PHP or some other serverside scripting language though. This is just a tip, you'll have to do the research yourself.<br />
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}:-) <br />
yes you can force a Download <!--more-->, but I took it the wrong way.<br />
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I was thinking of making a popup menu on left click or going straight to the Download <!--more--> box.<br />
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so you can use htaccess to force a Download <!--more--> and it works on any browser.<br />
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AddType application/x-httpd-pdf .zip<br />
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not sure if that is the correct content-type but that is what you need. the only problem is that when it loads the Download <!--more--> box it will show it having a zip extension when it really doesn't, I believe.<!--content-->htaccess...<br />
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you mentioned that to me before scoutt when i asked about CHMOD and complicated matters. maybe it's time i learned about this "htaccess" ... i think i saw it somewhere on my server...<!--content-->Originally posted by pyrexyn <br />
htaccess...<br />
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you mentioned that to me before scoutt when i asked about CHMOD and complicated matters. maybe it's time i learned about this "htaccess" ... i think i saw it somewhere on my server... <br />
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er... yeah.. and you can make your own htaccess files to..<br />
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just name them ".htaccess"<!--content-->