New Member
So in the course of working with Alfresco, I have come upon an interesting requirement for my project. I need to be able to include a default property that gets added to any newly created space.Ideally I would like to specify it so that only folders under a specific parent get created with that property, but I think that might be more difficult than I need it to be.What I mean with the above is, given a structure that looks like:\[code\]Company Home |-------> Parent Folder |---------> Child Folder 1 |---------> Child Folder 2\[/code\]I would like all child folders that get created to have this custom property associated with that space. And if this were possible, I'd assume using the Alfresco Javascript API, when I call the \[code\]createFolder()\[/code\] method from within a script, it would by default create a folder with that custom property.However, like I said, I think that might be too much trouble. So I was just wondering if anyone knew how to add a custom property in addition to the defaults of Name, Title, and Description to a given space?I've seen some results on Google and what I have tried is messing with the \[code\]contentModel.xml\[/code\] file by adding my own custom property under the \[code\]cm:datadictionaryModel\[/code\], like so:\[code\]<type name="cm:dictionaryModel"> <title>Dictionary Model</title> <parent>cm:content</parent> <properties> <property name="cm:caseId"> <title>Case ID</title> <type>d:qname</type> <protected>true</protected> </property> ..........\[/code\]However, that seemed to just bring entire server down. So I was just wondering if anyone had any experience doing this or could steer me in the right direction here?