HOW TO: Moderator abilities.

without changing to smod?
cuz smod has access to acp
mod shud have mcp and shud be able to close move topics by default?
IF the person is Mod in the certain section, then to Move/Delete Topics, all you do is you go to the Section, then you will see list of Topics/Threads. On the left of the forum page, IN THE LAST column of thread Info, you will see a box, which you can Tick/Untick. IF You TICK that box, and scroll to the bottom of the page, on THE SAME side of the page (Right under the LAST TICK on the page, you will see a Line Of text with the button "Go" next to it. If you click on that line with text, you will see there words - Delete, Move, Lock, Stick, Unstick, Unlock, etc...

Not hard at all..
this is fixed now thanks all. i set mods to smod but no access to acp and smod to smod with access to acp.