How to make this floating menu work only when specific #divs become visible?


New Member
I needed to make a floating menu, I searched online and found a script here\[code\]/* Script by: * Version: 1.12 (20120823) * Latest version: * * License: * GNU/GPL v2 or later */var floatingMenu ={ hasInner: typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number', hasElement: typeof(document.documentElement) == 'object' && typeof(document.documentElement.clientWidth) == 'number'};var floatingArray =[];floatingMenu.add = function(obj, options){ var name; var menu; if (typeof(obj) === "string") name = obj; else menu = obj; if (options == undefined) { floatingArray.push( { id: name, menu: menu, targetLeft: 0, targetTop: 0, distance: .07, snap: true, updateParentHeight: false }); } else { floatingArray.push( { id: name, menu: menu, targetLeft: options.targetLeft, targetRight: options.targetRight, targetTop: options.targetTop, targetBottom: options.targetBottom, centerX: options.centerX, centerY: options.centerY, prohibitXMovement: options.prohibitXMovement, prohibitYMovement: options.prohibitYMovement, distance: options.distance != undefined ? options.distance : .07, snap: options.snap, ignoreParentDimensions: options.ignoreParentDimensions, updateParentHeight: options.updateParentHeight == undefined ? false : options.updateParentHeight, scrollContainer: options.scrollContainer, scrollContainerId: options.scrollContainerId, confinementArea: options.confinementArea, confinementAreaId: options.confinementArea != undefined && options.confinementArea.substring(0, 1) == '#' ? options.confinementArea.substring(1) : undefined, confinementAreaClassRegexp: options.confinementArea != undefined && options.confinementArea.substring(0, 1) == '.' ? new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + options.confinementArea.substring(1) + "(\\s|$)") : undefined }); }};floatingMenu.findSingle = function(item){ if ( = document.getElementById(; if (item.scrollContainerId) item.scrollContainer = document.getElementById(item.scrollContainerId);};floatingMenu.move = function (item){ if (!item.prohibitXMovement) { = item.nextX + 'px'; = ''; } if (!item.prohibitYMovement) { = item.nextY + 'px'; = ''; }};floatingMenu.scrollLeft = function(item){ // If floating within scrollable container use it's scrollLeft if (item.scrollContainer) return item.scrollContainer.scrollLeft; var w =; return this.hasInner ? w.pageXOffset : this.hasElement ? w.document.documentElement.scrollLeft : w.document.body.scrollLeft;};floatingMenu.scrollTop = function(item){ // If floating within scrollable container use it's scrollTop if (item.scrollContainer) return item.scrollContainer.scrollTop; var w =; return this.hasInner ? w.pageYOffset : this.hasElement ? w.document.documentElement.scrollTop : w.document.body.scrollTop;};floatingMenu.windowWidth = function(){ return this.hasElement ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth;};floatingMenu.windowHeight = function(){ if (floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner) { // Handle Opera 8 problems return document.documentElement.clientHeight > window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight } else { return floatingMenu.hasElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; }};floatingMenu.documentHeight = function(){ var innerHeight = this.hasInner ? window.innerHeight : 0; var body = document.body, html = document.documentElement; return Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight, innerHeight);};floatingMenu.documentWidth = function(){ var innerWidth = this.hasInner ? window.innerWidth : 0; var body = document.body, html = document.documentElement; return Math.max( body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth, html.clientWidth, html.scrollWidth, html.offsetWidth, innerWidth);};floatingMenu.calculateCornerX = function(item){ var offsetWidth =; var result = this.scrollLeft(item) - item.parentLeft; if (item.centerX) { result += (this.windowWidth() - offsetWidth)/2; } else if (item.targetLeft == undefined) { result += this.windowWidth() - item.targetRight - offsetWidth; } else { result += item.targetLeft; } if (document.body != && result + offsetWidth >= item.confinedWidthReserve) { result = item.confinedWidthReserve - offsetWidth; } if (result < 0) result = 0; return result;};floatingMenu.calculateCornerY = function(item){ var offsetHeight =; var result = this.scrollTop(item) - item.parentTop; if (item.centerY) { result += (this.windowHeight() - offsetHeight)/2; } else if (item.targetTop === undefined) { result += this.windowHeight() - item.targetBottom - offsetHeight; } else { result += item.targetTop; } if (document.body != && result + offsetHeight >= item.confinedHeightReserve) { result = item.confinedHeightReserve - offsetHeight; } if (result < 0) result = 0; return result;};floatingMenu.isConfinementArea = function(item, area){ return item.confinementAreaId != undefined && == item.confinementAreaId || item.confinementAreaClassRegexp != undefined && area.className && item.confinementAreaClassRegexp.test(area.className);};floatingMenu.computeParent = function(item){ if (item.ignoreParentDimensions) { item.confinedHeightReserve = this.documentHeight(); item.confinedWidthReserver = this.documentWidth(); item.parentLeft = 0; item.parentTop = 0; return; } var parentNode =; var parentOffsets = this.offsets(parentNode, item); item.parentLeft = parentOffsets.left; item.parentTop =; item.confinedWidthReserve = parentNode.clientWidth; // We could have absolutely-positioned DIV wrapped // inside relatively-positioned. Then parent might not // have any height. Try to find parent that has // and try to find whats left of its height for us. var obj = parentNode; var objOffsets = this.offsets(obj, item); if (item.confinementArea == undefined) { while (obj.clientHeight + < + || == obj && item.updateParentHeight && obj.clientHeight + == + { obj = obj.parentNode; objOffsets = this.offsets(obj, item); } } else { while (obj.parentNode != undefined && !this.isConfinementArea(item, obj)) { obj = obj.parentNode; objOffsets = this.offsets(obj, item); } } item.confinedHeightReserve = obj.clientHeight - ( -;};floatingMenu.offsets = function(obj, item){ var result = { left: 0, top: 0 }; if (obj === item.scrollContainer) return; while (obj.offsetParent && obj.offsetParent != item.scrollContainer) { result.left += obj.offsetLeft; += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } if (window == return result; // we're IFRAMEd var iframes ="IFRAME"); for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) { if (iframes.contentWindow != window) continue; obj = iframes; while (obj.offsetParent) { result.left += obj.offsetLeft; += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } return result;};floatingMenu.doFloatSingle = function(item){ this.findSingle(item); if (item.updateParentHeight) { = + 'px'; } var stepX, stepY; this.computeParent(item); var cornerX = this.calculateCornerX(item); var stepX = (cornerX - item.nextX) * item.distance; if (Math.abs(stepX) < .5 && item.snap || Math.abs(cornerX - item.nextX) <= 1) { stepX = cornerX - item.nextX; } var cornerY = this.calculateCornerY(item); var stepY = (cornerY - item.nextY) * item.distance; if (Math.abs(stepY) < .5 && item.snap || Math.abs(cornerY - item.nextY) <= 1) { stepY = cornerY - item.nextY; } if (Math.abs(stepX) > 0 || Math.abs(stepY) > 0) { item.nextX += stepX; item.nextY += stepY; this.move(item); }};floatingMenu.fixTargets = function(){};floatingMenu.fixTarget = function(item){};floatingMenu.doFloat = function(){ this.fixTargets(); for (var i=0; i < floatingArray.length; i++) { this.fixTarget(floatingArray); this.doFloatSingle(floatingArray); } setTimeout('floatingMenu.doFloat()', 20);};floatingMenu.insertEvent = function(element, event, handler){ // W3C if (element.addEventListener != undefined) { element.addEventListener(event, handler, false); return; } var listener = 'on' + event; // MS if (element.attachEvent != undefined) { element.attachEvent(listener, handler); return; } // Fallback var oldHandler = element[listener]; element[listener] = function (e) { e = (e) ? e : window.event; var result = handler(e); return (oldHandler != undefined) && (oldHandler(e) == true) && (result == true); };};floatingMenu.init = function(){ floatingMenu.fixTargets(); for (var i=0; i < floatingArray.length; i++) { floatingMenu.initSingleMenu(floatingArray); } setTimeout('floatingMenu.doFloat()', 100);};// Some browsers init scrollbars only after// full document load.floatingMenu.initSingleMenu = function(item){ this.findSingle(item); this.computeParent(item); this.fixTarget(item); item.nextX = this.calculateCornerX(item); item.nextY = this.calculateCornerY(item); this.move(item);};floatingMenu.insertEvent(window, 'load', floatingMenu.init);// Register ourselves as jQuery plugin if jQuery is presentif (typeof(jQuery) !== 'undefined'){ (function ($) { $.fn.addFloating = function(options) { return this.each(function() { floatingMenu.add(this, options); }); }; }) (jQuery);}\[/code\]The script requires the menu to have #floatdiv id. I made my div, #floatdiv, and added the following line of javascript to the head to make the action start working:\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> floatingMenu.add('floatdiv', { targetLeft: 250, targetTop: 290, snap: true }); </script>\[/code\]the #floatdiv css is here,\[code\]#floatdiv{ height:45px; width:830px; z-index:2;}\[/code\]The script is working fine. When I scroll down, the menu float as specified. But I dun wanna the menu to float all the way with scrolling. I need the float of the menu to fire only when I enter specific divs not all the way with scrolling.. Any clues?