How to make this breaking news :...


New Member
hi all,

may i know how to make that news thingy that keep on sticking whenever i move up and down in the web and is there a plugins or tweaking in vbulletin like that???
user6ix said:
hi all,

may i know how to make that news thingy that keep on sticking whenever i move up and down in the web and is there a plugins or tweaking in vbulletin like that???
The notice feature might do you good?
yes, i would like to have like that so that if there's something important and it need to be recognize ASAP :) do you know how to do like that dark_hunter??
user6ix said:
yes, i would like to have like that so that if there's something important and it need to be recognize ASAP :) do you know how to do like that dark_hunter??
ACP > Notices >> Add New Notice.
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">
@Curtis129 the "you BREAKING NEWS!!" is in marquee but the problem is, it won't stick when i scroll up and down... :(
oh from your image it just looks like its stuck fixed to the bottom.
<div id="container" style ="position:relative; float:bottom;">
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" align="middle" bgcolor="red">
<font color="white">YOUR BREAKING NEWS!!</font>
im not sure how to tweak and make it float on the bottom even when you scroll down...