How to make series labels to show without overlapping each other? ASP.NET 4.0


New Member
I am developing a chart (using ASP.NET CHART CONTROL) with about 2 or 3 series on it. Please look how it looks like now. As you can see, the labels are overlapping each other and it does not look very good. Is there any way I can solve this problem and improve the overall look of the chart?Thanks.
My code:\[code\]series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Lineseries.YValueType = ChartValueType.Doubleseries.XValueType = ChartValueType.Stringseries.BorderWidth = 1series.ShadowOffset = 1series.IsValueShownAsLabel = Trueseries.ToolTip = dtrow.ToStringseries.LabelForeColor = Color.Grayseries.LabelToolTip = dtrow.ToStringChartRatings.Series.Add(series)\[/code\]