How to make forms?


I want to make a form in my website where visitors can fill up the form .<br />
Say the form will be like this:<br />
<br />
name:<br />
email:<br />
country:<br />
comments:<br />
<br />
<br />
How to make forms?<!--content-->Contrary to popular belief, somebody does run the internet. And that somebody is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). And you can find their official instructions for using forms at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. code below will display your form. BUT you will need to put the address of the form handeler in for the action portion of the form tag.<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE>Form</TITLE><br />
<BODY><br />
<FORM method="Post" action=""><br />
<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=center VALIGN=top WIDTH=200><br />
<br />
<TR><br />
<TD ALIGN=right VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%>Name:</TD><br />
<TD WIDTH=2%></TD><br />
<TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%><INPUT type="text" size=20 name="name" value=""></TD><br />
<br />
<TR><br />
<TD ALIGN=right VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%>Email:</TD><br />
<TD WIDTH=2%></TD><br />
<TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%><INPUT type="text" size=20 name="email" value=""><br />
</TD><br />
<br />
<TR><br />
<TD ALIGN=right VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%>Country:</TD><br />
<TD WIDTH=2%></TD><br />
<TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%><INPUT type="text" size=20 name="country" value=""></TD><br />
<br />
<TR><br />
<TD ALIGN=right VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%>Comments:</TD><br />
<TD WIDTH=2%></TD><br />
<TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=top WIDTH=49%><TEXTAREA cols=30 rows=7> </TEXTAREA><br />
</TD><br />
<br />
<TR><br />
<TD ALIGN=center colspan=3><INPUT type="Submit" value="Submit">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT type="Reset" value="Clear"></TD><br />
<br />
</TABLE><br />
</FORM><br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><!--content-->I too wanted a form like that and found a site that makes it all for you, then you just copy the html code and place it on your site. This url is<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I found too, that by using : ENCTYPE="text/plain" in the intial <FORM .... section the info is put on the actual email too not just as an attachement, as some browsers (including mine grrr) dont like forms as attachments.<br />
<br />
:)<!--content-->1. Go to Form Builder (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<br />
2. Drag and drop the fields from the right toolbox. For example, if you would like to add a textarea box, drag and drop that icon to the form.<br />
3. Once you are done with the form, click on Source Mode icon (<>) and copy the form.<!--content-->You will need to use some server-side to do all the works behind the scenes,<br />
see sticky: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... hp?t=39991</a><!-- m --><br />
If you have no server-side technologies are available, your best bet would be a remotly hosted form handler<!--content-->I want to make a form in my website where visitors can fill up the form .<br />
Say the form will be like this:<br />
<br />
name:<br />
email:<br />
country:<br />
comments:<br />
<br />
<br />
How to make forms?<br />
<br />
search forms in google. you will get code for it.<!--content-->Most of these resources are great for mlm programs and business <br />
opportunities, but what about for people who want to sell a product and not <br />
an opportunity? <br />
<br />
I do have an affiliate program, but I'm afraid people will use our affiliate <br />
program to spam others so I haven't offered it to the general public yet.<!--content-->Great thread, thanks for the generator links. I think most of us need some sort of forms on our site and doing google search doesn't always help. I tried it. I am interested in putting a sort of email prompt form on my site. <br />
<br />
For instance if link text is clicked on an email will pop up that needs to be sent to the person next to the link. I already know how to make a link to an email. How do I make the email address hidden? So that the sender can just send without having to fill out the email address.... and also so the recipients email address doesn't have to be shown for all the world to see. It doesn't matter too much if the email addresses who in the source code but it would be nice if they didn't. Any ideas? Thanks, Butch.<!--content-->I spent a while the other day trying to find an easy script to us...I found phpFormGenerator and it seems pretty good...go here:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to Download <!--more--> it.<br />
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