How to make a height auto wrapper expand depending on the logo's height


New Member
I'm having an issue where I want to make the height of a wrapper expand depending on the logo's height. I know there is a lot of questions in Google like this, but none of them actually worked for me.I've tried the height: auto !important method.I've also tried min-height and it works in most cases, but it doesn't work for me when I have the height as auto.Here's my CSS:\[code\].header { width: 100%; height: auto;min-height: 80px; position: relative;background: red; }.logo { float: left; border: 0; }\[/code\]HTML: \[code\]<div class="header"> <img src="" class="logo"/> <br class="clear" /></div>\[/code\]Please note I tried it without the float as well. I apologize in advance if this question is an easy fix. I did my research and none of them worked out for me or anyone I found was in my situation anyway. I would appreciate some help. Thank you !