How to make a div scrollable within a container element

So I have a responsive template in which I'm trying to make my left div scrollable but hidden. I've tried to insert a div within this div and make the outer div scrollable and hidden, but this requires a width parameter and I don't know how to call the div to be responsive, if that makes sense.Here is my markup of the parameters:\[code\]<!-- 960 Container --><div class="container"> <!-- Header --> <div class="four columns sidebar" id="section-sidebar"> <div id="sidebar"> <div id="scroller"> <nav> <!-- Branding --> <div class="branding"> <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/" title="<?php echo bloginfo('blog_name'); ?>"> <h1 id="logo"> <?php $logopath = (get_option_tree('logo')) ? get_option_tree('logo') : WP_THEME_URL . "/assets/images/theme/logo/logo$lightdark.png"; ?> <img id="logotype" src="<?php echo $logopath; ?>" alt="<?php echo bloginfo('blog_name'); ?>" /> </h1> </a> </div> <!-- /End Branding -->\[/code\]As you can see, I've added "div id='scroller'" and "div id='sidebar'" to enable this, but to no avail.I basically just want the left side of the page where the fixed position div is located to be scrollable when hovered over.Thanks in advance and sorry for such a noobie question.