I'm trying to accomplish a very simple task for hours without success. I just want to log messages to the Windows Azure Storage so I can analyze it later.What I've tried to far:I've enabled Diagnostics like this:
After that I'm putting this line in my \[code\]Application_Start\[/code\]:\[code\]Trace.TraceError("My Error");\[/code\]I expect it to be logged to the Windows Azure Storage. But it's not. Then I read here that I should first configure the \[code\]DiagnosticMonitor\[/code\] class first. But I seriously think this class is deprecated.. because it's in the assembly \[code\]Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient\[/code\] which is version 1.7 (the others are 1.8 or 2.0) and when I add a reference to it, all my \[code\]CloudStorageAccount\[/code\] references become ambiguous because this assembly has classes that I already have with the other assembly \[code\]Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage\[/code\] (newer). I really think I shouldn't add a reference to \[code\]StorageClient\[/code\].Briefly.. I'm reading a lot of documents and going nowhere.Can you please.. Tell me exactly what do do? I'd appreciate so much. Thanks.PS: I'm using VS 2012 with Windows Azure Tools October 2012